Mar 31, 2007
Rita Swan, founder of Children's Healthcare Is a Legal Duty, grants a powerful interview about losing a baby to Christian Science anti-medicine tenets, and her subsequent activism to repeal religious exemptions in laws governing healthcare for children. Dan Barker's Pagan Pulpit addresses the biblical defamation of...
Mar 24, 2007
Most of this show is devoted to the timely topic of Roman Catholic crimes against children. Special guest is Joe McGee, a Colorado freethinker who will talk about what it has been like, after nearly 50 years, to go public with crimes committed against him as a child by his family's priest. The show also includes...
Mar 17, 2007
News of the week includes U.S. Rep. Pete Stark's recent announcement that he is nonreligious. Nobel Laureate Paul D. Boyer, a Lifetime Member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, is interviewed, and he talks about the overwhelming disbelief of "elite" scientists. The show also includes a brief, pithy poetry reading...
Mar 10, 2007
Tune in to hear the audio of last Sunday's ABC Evening World News segment featuring FFRF co-presidents Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor. Then "eavesdrop" on comedian Julia Sweeney talking about atheism, "Letting Go of God" and the Freedom From Religion Foundation on a recent Stephanie Miller radio interview. Hear...
Mar 3, 2007
The first segment of the show involves a candid post-mortem by the co-hosts of what it was like to be taxpayer plaintiffs in a lawsuit heard by the U.S. Supreme Court this week! The pair give the inside scoop, discuss the astronomical growth of FFRF in the past week, and summarize media coverage, including an audio of...