Nov 27, 2019
Stand-up comic Leighann Lord gives us "Six things to argue about at Thanksgiving other than politics." Aline Pham, 18, tells us about her winning high-school student essay. "Mrs. Betty Bowers" (Deven Green) recites her Thanksgiving prayer. Then we hear from Andrew Bradley, the co-creator and writer of the satirical...
Nov 21, 2019
Kanye West should not be preaching in prisons. FFRF attorney Ryan Jayne explains how we successfully stopped public funding for churches and religious ministries. We report additional recent state/church victories in Wisconsin, Arkansas, and Kentucky. Then former minister and Christian apologist John Loftus, who is now...
Nov 14, 2019
It’s not even Thanksgiving, but the Christian warriors are already at it at the Wisconsin Assembly. We’ll tell you what’s wrong with their Thanksgiving “Bible Week” Resolution. FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor’s timely warning about the precarious state of abortion rights, under attack by...
Nov 7, 2019
We report on FFRF’s perfect score from Charity Navigator (and on the low score of the Catholic League, which is continuing its unfounded attacks on us). We play a shocking audio clip of prosperity evangelist Paula White, just promoted by Trump to a federally paid faith job at the White House, consecrating the...