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Freethought Radio

A weekly show by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Slightly irreverent views, news, music and interviews.

Jan 31, 2011

Guest Mitch Kahle, an FFRF member and state/church activist in Hawaii, will talk about how he persuaded the Hawaii Senate earlier this month to drop government prayer. The hosts will also be joined in studio by lawyer Sarah Braasch to talk about FFRF's new campaign to stop pervasively Christian prayers in the Wisconsin...

Jan 24, 2011

The January 1, 2011 show, "Name that secular songwriter!" will be replayed (due to cohosts both being felled by ailments which are not life-threatening, but kept them from the studio this week). This is a chance to enjoy the enormous contributions of nonreligious composers and songwriters who have built the...

Jan 18, 2011

Victories and other updates in state/church news. Dan discusses his new book, "The Good Life." Prof. Dennett discusses "Breaking the Spell," his study on clergy leaving the pulpit.

Jan 10, 2011

Indiana dad Craig Scarberry discusses the custody battle for his kids hinging on his lack of belief. Steve Trunk reports his legal victory this week when an appeals court ruled the Mount Solidad cross must move off public property.

Jan 3, 2011

Welcome the New Year with a fun game: "Name That Secular Songwriter!" Learn of the enormous impact made by nonreligious composers and lyricists who have built the Great American Songbook.