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Freethought Radio

A weekly show by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Slightly irreverent views, news, music and interviews.

Nov 24, 2007

This week's show features a deferred interview with SPC Jeremy Hall, who was threatened with "fragging" (a "friendly fire" murder) after suing the Pentagon for religious discrimination. Hall sued after he was threatened with military retaliation for organizing a freethought meeting at his base in Iraqi....

Nov 17, 2007

This week's show is a freethought potpouri! Nation columnist Katha Pollitt reads her recent column, "Onward, Secular Soldiers!" Columnist Stephanie Salter talks about a humorous new website set up to record hypocrisy by drivers with "In God We Trust" license plates in Indiana. Dan and Annie Laurie discuss the upcoming...

Nov 10, 2007

Comedian and Saturday Night Live alum Julia Sweeney returns to Freethought Radio for a new interview about her "beautiful loss of faith story," and her monolog, "Letting Go of God," soon to be released as a film!

Nov 3, 2007

Dan and Annie Laurie play sound bites from GOP candidates genuflecting before the Religious Right. They also discuss the monopolization of words like "morality" and "values" by the Christian right with nonbeliever Eric Zorn, columnist for the Chicago Tribune.