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Freethought Radio

A weekly show by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Slightly irreverent views, news, music and interviews.

Sep 26, 2016

Listen to David Suhor's godless invocation before the Pensacola City Council, which he sang while the public was rudely protesting and praying. We hear some music by the freethinking composer George Gershwin, whose birthday is this week. After drawing for another free copy of FFRF’s “Friendly Neighborhood Atheist”...

Sep 19, 2016

This week we complain about both major presidential candidates mixing religion and politics and pandering to faith voters. FFRF Attorney Sam Grover tells us about the firestorm that erupted in a west Texas high school after we complained about the Ten Commandments and a bible verse painted permanently on the wall, and...

Sep 12, 2016

Dan talks about his participation in the "Skep Track" at this year's Dragon Con in Atlanta. Annie Laurie provides commentary on the canonization of Mother Teresa, the death of right-wing Christian activist Phyllis Schlafly, and the National Catholic Register's denigration of atheists in general and Annie Laurie...

Sep 5, 2016

After Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker talk about the secular origins of Labor Day, Dan describes his first visit to speak as an atheist in a prison (Jackson Correctional Institution). We announce a new drawing for a free copy of FFRF’s music CD “Friendly Neighborhood Atheist,” a 2-CD compilation with 34...