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Freethought Radio

A weekly show by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Slightly irreverent views, news, music and interviews.

Nov 7, 2019

We report on FFRF’s perfect score from Charity Navigator (and on the low score of the Catholic League, which is continuing its unfounded attacks on us). We play a shocking audio clip of prosperity evangelist Paula White, just promoted by Trump to a federally paid faith job at the White House, consecrating the White House for Jesus. We report that a federal employee was “Penced” for opposing the vice president’s raid of USAID funds to go to favored Christian groups. After reciting some egregious state/church violations our legal team is fighting, we interview Megan Phelps-Roper, granddaughter of Fred Phelps, and the author of a poignant new book, Unfollow: A Memoir of Loving and Leaving the Westboro Baptist Church.